Membership Types

The membership of the Association shall comprise of the following two categories:

*Ordinary members (both Organisation and Individual) are entitled to all rights and privileges of the Association and is eligible to hold office and vote at the General Meeting.

*Ordinary Member - Organisation

Any Singapore registered company which maintains a structured Company Emergency Response Team or any Singapore-registered company whose business activities are related to emergency response and who subscribes to the objects of the Association. To nominate a staff to represent the company in the Association.

SG$500 Annual Subscriptions

*Ordinary Member - Individual

Individual who is a member of an Emergency Response Team, or an individual who subscribes to the objects of the Association.

SG$100 Annual Subscriptions

Objects of the Association:

a) To promote continual development, professionalism and excellence in the field of company emergency response;
b) To work with related government agencies to develop programs and regulations that will enhance the safety and well-being of the industries;
c) To establish contacts and cooperation amongst fellow Association members for mutual benefits and promotion of exchanges; and
d) To make recommendations for the improvement of members’ welfare and advancement in their work as emergency responders.

Benefits of Joining A-CERTS as a Member:

  • Enjoy discounted rates for seminars, workshops and trainings organised by A-CERTS and its partners (all staff of Organisation Membership are entitled to discount).
  • Exclusive dialogue & sharing sessions between Authorities, Industry Partners & Members.
  • Opportunities for networking, to establish new contacts and cooperation.
  • Sharing of experiences and best practices in emergency response and crisis management amongst members.